WAY BACK AROUND the 21st of June, this year’s Love Island contestants created the ‘Do Bits Society’, a club that Dr. Alex George will eternally be sitting outside of, like this:
It all began when Wes began asking Josh what ‘bits’ he had ‘done’ in the bedroom.
Everyone wants to be part of the Do Bits Society.
Looking back on the clip now, it’s also interesting to see how long Megan has had her eye on Josh. We didn’t suspect a thing back then but it all makes sense.
Two weeks later, Ellie and some of the girls got a bit frustrated that they don’t have their own club, so they formed ‘The Dry Hump Society’.
We need to have a society for the people that don’t do bits. What about the dry hump society?
And so it was born.
If the video won’t play, click here.
Samira agreed that it was a good idea, insisting that she “loves a good dry hump” and they began to work out the rules. Samira then told the girls she was going to try it out and left the girls on the beanbag.
Twitter users pointed out that Megan has no business joining the DHS, when she’s a a proud member of the DBS.